Did You Know?
Storage heaters waste more energy than any other form of electric heating.
By their very nature, storage heaters are very inefficient and lose heat from the moment that the bricks are “charged” over night.
Much in the same way that a large Thermos flask works - You can expect hot coffee in the morning, but it’s tepid by the afternoon, so you pour it away.
Our system is effectively re-boiling the kettle with just enough water, exactly when it’s required.
Ecopower Warms The West Country
Homes across Somerset are having electric heating upgrades supplied by Ecopower Heating as part of a £25m Government-funded project.
Homes in both rural and urban areas will benefit
Hundreds of social housing tenants across the area will benefit from upgraded energy-efficient electric heating systems which will not only serve to provide warmth for many years to come, but also help them to stay in control of their home heating bills.
After securing funding for the Decent Homes programme, the housing association asked their tenants where they felt their homes should be improved. Heating was high on most tenants’ priorities as they felt that the existing electric panel and storage heaters were inefficient and ineffective.
The Economiser Radiator system from Ecopower Heating was evaluated by the housing association in test properties and proved to be a hit with both the tenants and installers. The system was installed with minimal disruption or expense, and the tenants were delighted with the improved levels of warmth and control. The decision was then made to roll out the system across the housing stock for the duration of the project which is scheduled over the next four years.
Improvements are to be phased over four years
Working closely with the housing association and their contractors, Ecopower Heating has committed to supply energy-efficient electric heating systems for a variety of properties ranging from small apartments and bungalows to large three-bedroom houses, while providing technical support to the contractors on an ongoing basis.
“We are delighted to work with the housing association and their contractors on this project and we were impressed by the way they have listened to their tenants. Rather than looking for a quick fix, our client needed a long-term solution. We have addressed the problems presented by night storage heaters and have given the housing association a solution that really works, and benefits the tenants.”
For more information on the project, or to find out about Ecopower Heating products and how we can help you, please email: enquiries@ecopowerheating.co.uk, or call on 0845 474 1478. Website: http://www.ecopowerheating.co.uk/