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Ecopower Heating teams up with The Carbon Managers

With much enthusiasm we made a real commitment to help protect the environment this month. We already knew that our radiators are some of the most energy efficient electric radiators out there, but we felt we could do something extra to help the environment. As an eco-friendly team who love the great outdoors, we decided that The Carbon Managers tree planting […]

  • Did You Know?

    Storage heaters waste more energy than any other form of electric heating.

    By their very nature, storage heaters are very inefficient and lose heat from the moment that the bricks are “charged” over night.

    Much in the same way that a large Thermos flask works - You can expect hot coffee in the morning, but it’s tepid by the afternoon, so you pour it away.

    Our system is effectively re-boiling the kettle with just enough water, exactly when it’s required.