Did You Know?
White radiators with plastic end panels turn yellow!
As the plastic is exposed to continuous heat, it ages fast - turning from white, to a yellow shade. The plastic also becomes brittle, causing serious reliability issues.
All Ecopower Heating Radiators are built to last, with no plastics used in radiator bodies, or end panels. Your Ecopower Heating radiators will look as good as new for many years.
Running costs
The running costs of our electric radiators are dependent on a number of variables. This is the case with all types of heating. The running cost associated with electric heating is a subject that brings much discussion between people who think that they know, and those who have real-life experience.
We have monitored the power consumption of our radiators here in our office, and in our homes. We’ve also taken figures which have been supplied to us by our customers. The results vary considerably. Because of this wide variation, it is unfair to give a figure. It would be inaccurate at best, and can also be considered misleading. Some electric heating companies that have advertised running cost figures have been made to remove them by The Advertising Standards Authority.
Advertised running costs for a heating system can only…
Be considered as relevant to the specific environment in which it was tested.
Be as reliable and accurate as the test equipment that was used, and the person who carried out the test.
Be reliant on comparative data, which may be drawn from any source – whether real, accurate, or not.
Variables that affect running costs include:
1.The overall heat-loss and U-Values. A number of elements contribute to this. Further details available.2.The level, and type of insulation in the floors, walls, and roof space. 3.The number of windows, and type of glazing installed. 4.The type of property – ie. bungalow, end-terrace, detached, top- floor apartment etc. 5.The property configuration – the size, the number of exterior north-facing walls, ceiling heights etc. 6.The geographical location of the property – ie. In the north or south, and how exposed the position is.7.The electricity tariff that is chosen. 8. The outside temperature. 9.The duration of heat requirement for each room. 10. The required room temperature that is set at the thermostat. 11.The level of occupancy. 12.The lifestyle of the occupants.
What we can tell you about the running costs…
If you have some concerns about the running costs of your current heating system, or would like to find out how our radiators compare, get in touch. We’re here to help.